Antoine Buteau

Antoine Buteau

From Montreal, Quebec

Critical Success Factors of Agile Projects

Bottom line: Critical success factors are the few key areas where satisfactory results will enable the business and managers to achieve their goals. Agile success factors can be classified into five main categories: organizational, people, process, project and technical. Agile principles were introduced in the early 90’s to overcome

Coopetition for radical innovation: technology, market and business model perspectives

In the last 40 years, the financial value of tangible and intangible assets have completely reversed. Tangible assets are physical things (e.g.: machinery, buildings, inventory), whereas intangible assets are the results of intellectual work (e.g.: patents, trademarks, goodwill, brand recognition). As intangible assets become increasingly important, the costs

The limits of checklists: paradigmatic versus narrative thinking

In 2009, Atul Gawande published The Checklist Manifesto which focused on how well-designed checklists can improve outcomes. Although the book was quite popular, we need to be careful to apply checklists in the right situation, because they have limits and are by no means replacement for critical thinking. Bottom line:

Digital innovation strategy: A framework for diagnosing and improving digital product and service innovation

Executive SummaryGiven the increasing presence of digital technology in businesses, managers need to learn and apply new tools to support the firms in managing the digital innovation processes. In this paper, the authors built one of those tools to assess the state of digital innovation management and to support ongoing

The Importance of Understanding Emoji

Executive SummaryGiven the rise of digital communication via text, emoji have become key to communicate emotions. The word emoji comes from the Japanese language: 絵 (e ≅ picture) 文 (mo ≅ writing) 字 (ji ≅ character); emoji represent actual icons that appear on the keyboard or that are converted from emoticons such as

Business Model: What it is and What it is not

Executive SummaryIn my last paper How Do Venture Capitalists Make Decisions? we looked at how VCs do investments selection and what they think are the main drivers of value creation. I got roasted a bit on Hacker News because the survey did not include the notion of traction, revenue and

How Do Venture Capitalists Make Decisions?

Executive SummaryEven though only 0.25% of companies receive venture financing, venture capital is an important source of financing that result in an outsized impact on the economy. Some studies estimate that 50% of U.S. IPOs are VC-backed and that these companies account for 20% of the U.S.

Do Great Companies Stay Great ?

Executive SummaryThe Credit Suisse research team is one of my favourites as they always publish interesting papers. In this paper, the authors wanted to look at the stickiness of corporate profitability. They found that good companies tend to remain good companies, poor companies tend to remain mediocre. They also found
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