Antoine Buteau

Antoine Buteau

From Montreal, Quebec

Learning from Family-Controlled Businesses

Executive SummaryI was doing some research for work and I stumbled upon this article that we covered during one of my strategic management classes at McGill taught by Prof. Gregory Vit. Prof. Vit main research interests, and areas of expertise, is Contrarian and Conformist Strategy, so it is expected that

Schumpeterian Profits and the Alchemist Fallacy

Executive SummaryWe live in an era of rapid technological changes, which some people call the “new economy.” The new economy is the result of the transition from a manufacturing-based economy to an economy where companies that are on the cutting edge of technology are the driving force of economic growth.

When Sales and Marketing Align: Impact on Performance

Executive SummaryIn this paper, the authors explore the impacts on performance from sales and marketing being aligned. One obvious fact is that without sales and marketing working to produce revenue, the business ceases to exist. Yet, conflicts between the two functions are to be expected given that salespeople wan to

The Link Between Corporate Purpose and Financial Performance

Executive SummaryIn this paper, the authors want to determine whether employee beliefs in a corporate purpose are associated with superior financial performance or not. They found that, at an aggregate level, purpose is not related to financial performance. However, a subset of firms from the dataset (high purpose/high management

A Model to Identify Solutions to Legacy Systems Increasing Maintenance Costs

Executive SummaryIn this paper, the authors identify the characteristics of legacy systems and explore why they are costly to maintain and support. The authors define legacy systems as “a system that is business critical and demonstrates one or more of the following characteristics: old age, obsolete languages, poor if any

Big Data for Big Business? A Taxonomy of Data-Driven Business Models used by Startups

Executive SummaryIn this paper, the authors suggest a taxonomy of business models used by startups that rely on data as a core resource for their business, which they define as data-driven business models (DDBMs). The end goal of these businesses is not simply to collect, store and analyze data, but

Schumpeter’s Ghost: Is Hypercompetition Making the Best of Times Shorter?

Executive SummaryIn this paper, the authors found the following results that support Schumpeter’s economic theory of disequilibrium and the presence of hypercompetition: The duration of sustained competitive advantage, and superior economic performance have shortened over time.The phenomenon is not limited to specific industries like high technology but applies

To Buy or Not To Buy: A Checklist for Assessing Mergers & Acquisitions

Executive SummaryMichael Mauboussin is a Managing Director and Head of Global Financial Strategies at Credit Suisse. He is the author of three books: The Success Equation, Think Twice and More Than You Know. He is also the author of numerous research papers. In this paper, the authors go over an
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